
Several research projects are currently in progress at Station Linné. You can read more about the Swedish Malaise Trap Project here and more about the other projects below:

The Gall Midge Project

The Birds-Eye Primrose Project

The Orchid project

The Maculinea arion project

Revision of the European Pimplinae

The Dung Beetle Project

Research for the people (Forskning för folket)

During the summer we open up one of our labs to the public so you can meet the scientists working in the Swedish Malaise Trap Project. You'll get a chance to see them hard at work and ask questions regarding their work. You can see the dates for this activity here.


Researchers' Night (Forskarfredag)

The last Friday of September has been declared Researchers’ Night by the European Commission. Across Sweden and all over Europe hundreds of events show how exciting, fun and relevant to day-to-day living research actually is. We are of course taking part in this event with an interesting programme. You can read more about this event on the official website.

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