Trap ID 37 – Skäralid, valley below northern Lierna

Trap owner: Fredrik Stålberg and employees at Skäralids naturum
Major habitat: rich beech forest

Locality: SE, Sk, Klippans kommun, Skäralid, valley below northern Lierna
GPS coordinates: WGS 84 decimal 56.027217, 13.223433
Or, alternatively, WGS 84 g/m/s +56° 1 37.98", +13° 13 24.36"
Trap head (collector) direction: data missing


Predominating vegetation (alphabetical order): Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Rubus idaeus, Sorbus aucuparia


Additional notes:

The trap has been emptied 21 times during July 11, 2003 and May 7, 2006 as follow:
Coll ID      Period
569           2003.vii.11-2003.vii.15
570           2003.vii.15-2003.viii.15
571           2003.viii.15-2003.ix.21
572           2003.ix.21-2003.x.15
573           2003.x.15-2003.xi.03
574           2003.xi.03-2004.i.29
575           2004.i.29-2004.iv.27
576           2004.iv.27-2004.v.20
833           2004.vii.03-2004.vii.14
834           2004.vii.14-2004.viii.06
835           2004.viii.06-2004ix.08
1111         2004.iv.08-2005.i.20
1819         2005.i.20-2005.iv.14
1822         2005.vii.07-2005.viii.09-
1823         2005.viii.09-2005.viii.24
1863         2005.viii.24-2005.ix.14
1864         2005.ix.14-2005.xii.09
1865         2005.xii.09-2006.v.07


Leg.: The Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP)

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