Traps |
Trap ID 1 Tyresö, Spirudden (mixed coastal oak forest) |
Trap ID 2 Tyresta, Ungfars mosse (bog) |
Trap ID 3 Tyresta, Urskogsslingan (pine forest on flat-rock) |
Trap ID 4 Tyresta, Urskogsslingan (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 5 Huddinge, Sofielundstippen (garbage dump) |
Trap ID 6 Älvkarleby, Marma skjutfält (dry meadow/field of fire) |
Trap ID 7 Älvkarleby, Båtfors (mixed pine forest) |
Trap ID 8 Biskops-Arnö (elm groove) |
Trap ID 9 Knivsta, Rickebasta (alder swamp forest) |
Trap ID 10 Säterdalen, Näsåkerspussen (alder wood ravine) |
Trap ID 11 Västerfärnebo, Nötmyran (hay meadow) |
Trap ID 12 Hunga södergård 1 (eutrophicated soil) |
Trap ID 13 Omberg, Stocklycke äng (lime meadow) |
Trap ID 14 Omberg, Stocklycke skog (deciduous forest) |
Trap ID 15 Omberg, Storpissan (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 16 Omberg, bokskogsreservatet (beech forest) |
Trap ID 17 Gränna, Lönnemålen (Norway spruce) |
Trap ID 18 Hornsö kronopark (birch fen) |
Trap ID 20 Frösslunda alvar (alvar pasture) |
Trap ID 21 Ottenby, Södra lunden (nemoral grove) |
Trap ID 22 G:a Skogsby, Diversitetsängen (meadow with bushes) |
Trap ID 23 Tromtö nabb (beech and oak forest) |
Trap ID 24 Stenbrohult (heath with old beeches) |
Trap ID 25 Fiby urskog (mixed deciduous forest) |
Trap ID 26 Svartögla, Matkrok (deciduous maritime wood) |
Trap ID 27 Ekdalens naturreservat (mixed desiduous forest) |
Trap ID 28 Roleks (Grazed edge zoon) |
Trap ID 29 Rembs (pine forest) |
Trap ID 30 Tullgarns näs (mixed forest) |
Trap ID 31 Kolhättan (mixed desiduous forest) |
Trap ID 32 Hamburgsund (coastal flat-rock) |
Trap ID 33 Särö Västerskog (oak and pine wood) |
Trap ID 34 Mästocka Ljunghed (heather heath) |
Trap ID 35 Buskastycket (moisty hay meadow) |
Trap ID 36 Skäralid, northern Lierna (beech forest) |
Trap ID 37 Skäralid, below northern Lierna (beech forest) |
Trap ID 38 Drakamöllan (common bent heath) |
Trap ID 39 Stenshuvud (deciduous forest) |
Trap ID 40 Stenshuvud (hornbeam forest) |
Trap ID 41 Store mosse (bog) |
Trap ID 42 Sånfjället (alpine birch and spruce wood) |
Trap ID 43 Stensjön (march pine wood) |
Trap ID 44 Skuleskogen (mixed forest) |
Trap ID 45 Holmön (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 46 Ammarnäs (mountain birch forest) |
Trap ID 47 Muddus (blueberry spruce forest) |
Trap ID 48 Peltovaara (lingonberry pine forest) |
Trap ID 49 Vasikavuoma (haymaking marsh) |
Trap ID 50 Abisko (mountain birch forest) |
Trap ID 51 Brännbergets naturreservat (mixed boreal forest) |
Trap ID 52 Kulbäcksliden, nature reserve (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 53 Kulbäcksliden, Degerö stormyr, Kronmyran (bog) |
Trap ID 54 Kulbäcksliden, meadow (meadow) |
Trap ID 55 Kulbäcksliden, Granliden (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 56 Kulbäcksliden, Gammnybränna (cutting area) |
Trap ID 57 Kulbäcksliden, spuce plantation (spruce plantation) |
Trap ID 58 Kulbäcksliden, pine plantation (pine plantation) |
Trap ID 59 Kulbäcksliden, Degerö stormyr edge (bog) |
Trap ID 60 Kulbäcksliden, 25 years old forest (coniferous forest) |
Trap ID 61 Svartberget (lichen pine heath) |
Trap ID 1000 Bäckebo, Grytsjön (mixed forest) |
Trap ID 1001 Bäckebo, Grytsjön (haymaking meadow) |
Trap ID 1002 Ransäter (railway embankment) |
Trap ID 1003 Ransberg (desiduous forest) |
Trap ID 1004 Kullaberg (oak forest) |
Trap ID 1005 Sandhammaren (edge zone) |
Trap ID 1006 Sandhammaren (deciduous forest) |
Trap ID 1007 Nuolja (bare mountain) |
Trap ID 1008 Alsterån (mixed forest) |
Trap ID 1353 Bombmurkleskogen (spruce forest) |
Trap ID 2003 Sofielund (cadaver landfill) |
Trap ID 2006 Skogsby (field station) |
Trap ID 2046 Påboda (village garden) |