Trap ID 25 – Fiby urskog, Trefaldighets källa

Trap owner: Bo W. Svensson, Uppsala university
Major habitat: mixed deciduous forest along brook

Locality: SE, Up, Uppsala kommun, Fiby urskog, Trefaldighets källa
GPS coordinates: WGS 84 decimal 59.883400, 17.193050
Or, alternatively, WGS 84 g/m/s +59° 53 0.24", +17° 11 34.98"
Trap head (collector) direction: 178°


Predominating vegetation (alphabetical order): Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Filipendula ulmaria, Fraxinus excelsior, Iris pseudacorus, Lysimachia, Picea abies, Prunus padus, Rubus idaeus, Salix caprea, Solanum dulcamara, Urtica dioica, Viburnum opulus
Additional notes

The trap has been emptied 5 times during June 29, 2003 and November 18, 2003 as follow:
Coll ID      Period
451           2003.vii.22-2003.viii.12
452           2003.viii.12-2003.ix.06
453           2003.ix.06-2003.x.03
454           2003.x.03-2003.xi.18


 Leg.: The Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP)




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