Trap ID 30 – Tullgarns näs

Trap owner: Pertti Heinonen, Vagnhärad
Major habitat: mixed forest next to pasture

Locality: SE, Sö, Södertälje kommun, Tullgarns näs, Rävsalaviken
GPS coordinates: WGS 84 decimal 58.955217, 17.607550
Or, alternatively, WGS 84 g/m/s +58° 57 18.78", +17° 36 27.18"
Trap head (collector) direction: 236°
Altitude: 1 m.s.l.


Predominating vegetation (alphabetical order): Anemone nemorosa, Betula pendula, Campanula persicifolia, Convallaria majalis, Dactylis glomerata, Deschampsia cespitosa, Fraxinus excelsior, Juniperus communis, Melampyrum sylvaticum, Picea abies, Poa sp., Primula veris, Prunus spinosa, Quercus robur, Rosa sp., Sorbus aucuparia, Ulmus glabra
Additional notes:

The trap has been emptied 9 times during July 9, 2003 and April 21, 2006 as follow:
Coll ID      Period
266           2003.vii.09-2003.vii.23
267           2003.vii.23-2003.viii.13
1054         2003.viii.13-2004.vii.03
1055         2004.vii.03-2004.viii.19
1056         2004.viii.19-2004.x.28
1718         2005.vii.17-2005.ix.08
1719         2005.ix.08-2006.04.21


Leg.: The Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP)

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