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SMTP publications
Ahlén, Ingmar. 1998. Långbensgrodan. I: Inventering av hässlen på Ölands mittland. [Rana dalmatina. I. Inventory of hazel woods on Mid-Öland.] Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län informerar. Meddelande 1998:8: 18-19.
Ahlén, Ingmar & Christian Cederroth. 1999. Varfågel Lanius excubitor av rasen homeyeri gästade Öland 1998. [Great gray shrike Lanius excubitor subspecies homeyeri visiting Öland in 1998.] Calidris 28; 24-26.
Ahlén, Ingemar & H. J. Baagøe. 1999. Use of ultrasound detectors for bat studies in Europe - experiences from field identification, surveys and monitoring. Acta Chiropterol. 1: 137-150.
Andersson, Stefan. 1988. Size-dependent pollination efficiency in Anchusa afficinalis (Boraginaceae): causes and conseguences. Oecologia (Berlin) 76:125-130.
Andersson, Stefan. 1988. Limiting factors on seed production in Crepis tectorum ssp. pumila. Acta Phytogecoyr. Suecica 76:3-20.Andersson, Stefan. 1999. Quantitative genetics of leaf morphology in Crepis tectorum ssp. pumila (Asteraceae). J. Hered. 90: 556-561.
Ayasse, Manfred & Julia S. Birnbaum, Jan Tengö, Adriaan van Doorn, Timo Taghizadeh & Wittko Francke. 1999. Caste- and colony-specific chemical signals on eggs of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Chemoecol. 9: 119-126
Bakker, Jan P., J. van Andel & Eddy van der Maarel. 1998. Plant species diversity and restoration ecology: Introduction. Appl. Veg. Sci. 1: 5-8.
Baur, Anette. 1986. Patterns of adult mass changes during the breeding cycle and individual growth of nestlings in the wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). D-course project, Section of Animal Ecology, Uppsala University.
Baur, Bruno. 1987. Richness of land snail species under isolated stones in a karst area on Öland, Sweden. Basteria 51:192-133.
Baur, Bruno. 1988. Microgeographical variation in shell size of the land snail Chondrina clienta. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 335:247-289.
Baur, Bruno & Anette Baur. 1988. Experimental evidence for intra- and interspecific competition in two species cof rock-dwelling land snails. In: Baur, A. : Movement and aggregation patterns and competition in land snails. Licentiate Thesis, Uppsala University.
Baur, Bruno, M. Haase, Anette Baur, R. Guggenheim & Lars Fröberg. 1999. Ultrastructure of gastropod grazing damage to five species of calcicolous lichens. Nord. J. Bot. accepted.
Bengtsson, Karin, Honor C. Prentice, Ejvind Rosén, Roland Moberg & Erik Sjögren. 1988. The dry alvar grasslands of Öland: ecological amplitudes of plant species in relation to vegetation composition. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:21-46.
Bergström, Gunnar, Monica Appelgren, Bo G. Svensson, Lennart Ågren, Charles Descoins, Brigitte Frerot, Martine Gallois & M. Lettere. 1985. Marking pheromones of Megabombus sylvarum (L.) and M. ruderarius (Müller) males (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Apidologie 16:57-68.
Bergström, Gunnar. 1987. Role of volatile chemicals in the evolution and coadaptation of flowering plants and insects. In: Evolution and Coadaptation in Biotic Communities. (S. Kawano, ed.), pp. 151-164. Univ. Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan.
Bergström, Gunnar. 1987.On the role of volatile chemical signals in the evolution and speciation of plants and insects: why do flowers smell and why do they smell differently? In: Insects-Plants. (V. Labeyrie et al. eds). pp. 321-327. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Bergström, Jon. 1985. Hydrogenation in the ng- µg range using pre-absorbed hydrogen on fixed Pd catalyst. J. High Res. Chrom. & Chrom. Comm.8:144-145.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin, Bertil Kullenberg, Gunnar Bergström, Jan Tengö & Lennart Ågren. 1984. Chemical, visual, and tactile mimetism in the Ophrys pollination, XVII Int. Congr. Entomol. Hamburg. (Abstr.)
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin. 1985. Chemical and behavioral studies of pollination in the genus Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae). Ph.D. Diss. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1-47.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin, Gunnar Bergström & Inga Groth. 1985. Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys orchids and their pollinators. 1. Volatile compounds of Ophrys lutea and O. fusca as insect mimetic attractants/excitants. Chem. Scripta 25:283-294.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin & Inga Groth. 1986. Volatile compounds from flowers of four species in the sections Arachnitiformes and Araneiferae of the genus Ophrys as insect mimetic attractants/excitants. Phytochem. 25:1297-1299.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin & Jan Tengö.1986. Chemical mimetism? Key substances in the Ophrys lutea-Andrena pollination relationship (Orchidaceae). J. Chem. Ecol. 12:1927-1941.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin & Inga Groth. 1986. Volatile compounds from flowers of four species in the sections Arachnitiformes and Araneiferae of the genus Ophrys as insect mimetic attractants/excitants. Phytochemistry 25:1297-1299.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin & Jan Tengö. 1986. Chemical mimetism? Key substances in the Ophrys lutea-Andrena pollination relationship (Orchidaceae). J. Chem. Ecol. 12:1927-1241.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin. 1987. Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys orchids and their pollinators. III. Volatile compounds of species in the Ophrys sections Fuciflorae and Bombyliflorae as mimetic attractants/excitants. Chem. Scr. 27:313-325.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin , Gunnar Bergström & Bertil Kullenberg. 1987. Chemical basis for the relationship between Ophrys orchids and their pollinators. II. Volatile compounds of O. insectifera and O. speculum as insect mimetic attractants/excitants. Chem. Scr. 27:303-311
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin, Lennart Ågren, Heidi Dobson & Gunnar Bergström. 1988. Identification and electroantennographic activity of sex-specific geranyl esters in an abdominal gland of female Agriotes obscurus (L.) and A. lineatus (L.) (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Experientia 44:3531-534.
Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin, Inga Groth, Lennart Ågren & Bertil Kullenberg. 1993. Form-specific fragrances from Ophrys insectifera L. (Orchidaceae) attract species of different pollinator genera. Evidence of sympatric speciation? Chemoecology 4:39-45.
Bornfeldt, Fredrik. 1999. Några insektinventeringar på alvartorrängar inom Gynge naturvårdsområde. [Some insect inventories on the Gynge Reserve on the Great Alvar, Öland.] Ecological Research Station, UU, 14 pp.
Bourke, A.F.G. 1988. Dominance orders, worker reproduction, and queen-vorker conflict in the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 23:3223-333.
Bourke, A.F.G. , T.M. van der Have & N.R. Franks. 1988. Sex ratio determination and worker reproduction in the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 23:233-245.
Burén, T. 1999. Fytometrisk undersökning av näringsämnesbegränsningen i sediment från öländska alvarsjöar. [Phytometric investigation on the limitations of nutrients in the sediments from lakes on the Öland's Great Alvar.] Rapport, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, Högskolan i Kalmar. (Project Börje Ekstam)
Burns-Balogh, Pamela, Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson & Bertil Kullenberg. 1985. Evolution of the monandraceous Orchidaceae VI. Evolution and pollination mechanisms in the subfamily Orchidoidea. Canadian Orchid J. 3:29-57.
Chmurzynski, Jerzy & Jan Tengö. 1987. Theoretical inferences from returns of the digger wasp Bembix rostrata L. females from an unfamiliar area. Int. Ethol. Conf. XX, Madison, 32-33 (abstract).
Diekmann, Martin. 1988. Waldgesellschaften auf Öland. Diplomarbeit, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Dobson, Heidi, Jon Bergström, Gunnar Bergström, Inga Groth. 1987. Pollen and flower volatiles in two Rosa species. Phytochemistry 26:3171-3173.
Dupré, Cecilia & Martin Diekmann. 1998. Prediction of occurrence of vascular plants in deciduous forests of South Sweden by means of Ellenberg indicator values. Appl. Veg. Sci. 1: 139-150.
Ekman, Stefan & Lars Fröberg. 1988. Taxonomical problems in Aspicilia contorta and A. hoffmannii an effect of hybridization? Int. J. Mycel. Lichenol. 3:215-228.
Ekstam, Börje & Å. Forseby. 1999 Germination response of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia to diurnal fluctuations in temperature. Seed Sci. Res. 9: 157-163.
Ekstam, Börje, R. Johannesson & P. Milberg. 1999. The effect of light and number of diurnal temperature fluctuations on germination of Phragmites australis. Seed Sci. Res. 9: 165-1170.
Francke, Wittko, W. Schröder, Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson, Gunnar Bergström & Jan Tengö. 1987. Species and sex specificity in the odour composition of two Panurgine bees (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Z. Naturforsch. 42c:169-171.
Fröberg, Lars. 1987. A floristic study of calcicolous lichens on the Great Alvar of Öland, Sweden. Bibl. Lichenol. 25:427-428.
Francke, Wittlko, Wolf Engels & Jan Tengö. 1988. Structural eclecticism of bee semiochemicals. XVIII Int. Congr. Entomol., Vancouver, p. 221. (abstract)
Fries, Ingemar, Robert J. Paxton, Jan Tengö, A. da Silva, S. B. Slemenda & N. J. Pieniazek. 1999. Morphological and molecular characterization of Antonospora scoticae n. gen., n. sp. (Microspora), a parasite of the communal bee, Andrena scotica Perkins 1916 (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Eur. J. Protistol. 35; 183-193
Fröberg, Lars. 1988. Calcicolous lichens and their ecological preferences on the Great Alvar of Öland. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:47-52
Fröberg, Lars. 1999. Inventering av karaktärslavar på Stora Alvaret. [Inventory of lichen key species on the Great Alvar, Öland.] Länsstyrelsen Kalmar län, Meddelande 1999: 1, 89 pp.
Garcia de Lucas, Victor Miguel. 1999. Methods in studies of insect olfaction. Masters thesis in biology, 20 points, HT98 - VT99. Ecological Research Station, UU. Supervisor: Lennart Ågren.
Gossler, J., Rainer Kind, Kurt Wylegalla, M. Stiller & TOR Working Group. 1999. Major crustal features between the Harz Mountains and the Baltic Shield derived from receiver functions. Tectonophysics 314: 321-333.
Groth, Inga, Gunnar Bergström & Olle Pellmyr. 1987. Floral fragrances in Cimicifuga (Ranunculaceae): chemical polymorphism and incipient speciation in Cimicifuga simplex. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 15:441-444.
Hefetz, Abraham, Gunnar Bergstrom & Jan Tengö. 1986. Species, individual and kin specific blends in Dufour's gland secretions of halictine bees. Chemical evidence. J. Chem. Ecol. 12:197-208.
Hoffmann, Frank. 1999. Restoration processes in a calcareous grassland after abandonment of arable fields at the Baltic island of Öland. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Supervisors: Jan Bakker & Ejvind Rosén.
Huber, Renate. 1998. Patterns of species richness in a limestone grassland in relation to plot size and sample size. In: Sjögren, Erik, Eddy van der Maarel & Galina Pokarzhevskaya (eds.): Vegetation science in retrospect and perspective (Abstracts). Stud. Plant Ecol. 20: 99.
Huber, Renate. 1999. Patterns of species richness in a limestone grassland under different treatments in relation to spatial scale. Appl. Veg. Sci. 2: 257-266.
Höglund, Jacob & Jeremy G.M. Robertson. 1987. Random mating by size in a population of common toads (Bufo bufo). Amphibia-Reptilia 8:321-330.
Höglund, Jacob & Jeremy &G.M. Robertson. 1988. Chorusing behaviour, a density-dependent alternative mating strategy in male common toads (Bufo bufo). Ethology 79:324 232.
Ihse, Margareta & Ejvind Rosén. 1985. Spectral measurements for estimation of biomass on limestone grassland. Proc. 3rd Int. Coll. Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote Sensing, Les Ares, France 16-20 Dec. 1985. ESA SP-247, pp. 455-458.
Johansen, Bo, Hanne Rasmussen & Torben F. Andersen. 1986. Symbiotisk orkidéformering - en "ny" metode. Urt 10:99-104.
Johnson, Steven D. & L. Anders Nilsson. 1999. Pollen carryover, geitonogamy, and the evolution of deceptive pollination systems in orchids. Ecology 80: 2607-2619.
Jones Fur, Cheryl. 1998. Ecology, sexual selection and variable mating tactics in fallow deer (Dama dama). Comp. Summ. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Sci. Technol. 338, 39 pp. (PhD Thesis)
Jonsson, B. Olle. 1998. Genetic Variation, Clonal Diversity and Breeding System in Sedges (Carex). Dept Syst. Bot., LU, 42 pp. (PhD Thesis)
Krahulec, F., Ejvind Rosén & Eddy van der Maarel. 1986. Preliminary classification and ecology of dry grassland communities on Olands Stora Alvar (Sweden). Nord. J. Bot. 6:797-809.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1986. The Ecological Field Station of Uppsala University on Öland. A brief retrospective survey of its history and research programs. Acta Univ. Upsal. C 51:5-32.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1986. Studies on semiochemicals at the ecological research station of Uppsala University on Öland. Historical sketch and conceptional background. Acta Univ. Upsal. C 51:33-51.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1986. Recherches actuelles sur la biologie florale des Ophrys. Société Francaise d'Orchidophilie. IX° Colloque sur les Orchidées, Montpellier 26-27-28 avril 1985. Compte Rendu, 27-33.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1986. Préface. In: Raynaud, Christian: Les Orchidées du Maroc. Monographie Révision Critique, Iconographie et Clés de Détermination. p. 1. Société Francaise d'Orchidophilie.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1988. Den ekologiska forskningsstationen i Skogsby. In: Torslunda II. En bygd i förvandling, pp. 34-52. Torslunda Hembygdsförening, Borgholm.
Kullenberg, Bertil. 1988. Orchid who feigns bees. (in Japanese). Anima Mag. Nat. Hist. 4:82-96.
Käck, Sofia. 1999. Primula farinosa (Primulaceae) stalk height morphs – a reproductive trait subject to the multiple selection pressures from grazers, seed predators and pollinators. Masters Thesis in Biology, 20 points, HT 99, Plant Ecology, UU. Supervisor: Johan Ehrlén.
Lanne, Boel S., Gunnar Bergström, Ann-Britt Wassgren & Berit Törnbäck. 1987. Biogenetic pattern of straight chain marking compounds in male bumble bees. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 88B:631-636.
Larsson, Folke. 1985. Individual size and nesting patterns in the gregarious digger wasp Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Entomol. Tidskr. 106:1-6.
Larsson, Folke. 1985. Evolution of sociality in Hymenoptera. Introd. Res. Essay 30, Dept. Zool., Uppsala Univ., pp. 1-41.
Larsson, Folke. 1986. Size-assortative nesting patterns within aggregations of solitary Hymenoptera - a forerunner of semisociality? Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Soc. Ins. (IUSSI), München.
Larsson, Folke. 1986.Microclimatic correlates to body size and emergence pattern in solitary Hymenoptera. Proc. 3rd Eur. Congr. Entomol. Amsterdam (abstract).
Larsson, Folke. (1986?) Sexuell selektion hos solitära bin. Oikos 4:e ekologisymposium, Stockholm (abstract).
Larsson, Folke. 1986. Increased nest density of the digger wasp Bembix rostrata as a response to parasites and predators (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Entomol. Gener. 12:71-75.
Larsson, Folke. 1987. Influence of body size, population density and ambient temperature in the mating patterns of a solitary bee. Am. Zool. 27:151A.
Larsson, Folke. 1987. Size disassortative nesting patterns within aggregations of solitary Hymenoptera - a forerunner of semisociality? In: Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects (J. Eder & H. Rembold, eds.). pp. 389-390. München.
Larsson, Folke. 1987. Parningsmönster och äggproduktion hos skinnbaggen Graphosoma lineatum. Oikos 5th Ecol. Symp., Lund (abstract).
Larsson, Folke K. 1988. Sexuell selektion och partnerval hos insekter – ett exempel från flugbaggen Cantharis pellucida (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). Entomol. Tidskr. 103:25-29.
Larsson, Folke K. 1988. Experimentally induced density-dependent mating patterns in Phyllobius maculicornis Germ. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Am. Midl. Nat. 119:380-384.
Lönn, Mikael, A. Sandberg & P. Redbo-Torstensson. 1998. Fitness-related traits of allozyme genotypes in Bromus hordeaceus L. (Poaceae) associated with field habitat and experimental flooding. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 64: 207-222.
van der Maarel, Eddy. 1988. Species diversity in plant communities in relation to structure and dynamics. In: Diversity and Pattern in Flant Communities. (H.J. During, M.J.A. Werger & J.H. Willems, eds. ), pp. 1-14. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, The Netherlands.
van der Maarel, Eddy. 1988. Floristic diversity and guild structure in the grasslands of Öland's Stora Alvar. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:33-68.
van der Maarel, Eddy. & Marijke van der Maarel-Versluys. 1988. Index to Vegetatio, volumes 51-73, and some notes on the position of the journal. Vegetatio 73:123-189.
Martinsson, Berit. 1986. Time budgets and foraging strategies in relation to brood size in the wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe): an experimental study. D-course project, Section of Animal Ecology, Uppsala University.
Mohra, Claudia, Martin Fellendorf, Robert P. Paxton & Jan Tengö. 1999, Agonismus und Toleranz im Verhalten der kommunalen Sandbiene Andrena scotica und ihrer Brutparasiten Nomada marshamella. - Beobachtungen an unterirdischen Kunstnestern. [Agonism and tolerance in the behavior of the communal bee Andrena scotica and its nest parasite Nomada marshamella - investigation on artificial subterranean nests.] 17. Tagung der Deutschsprachigen Sektion der IUSSI, Hohenheim, p.68
Moreno, Juan. 1987. Parental care in the wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe: effects of nestling age and brood size. Ornis Scand. 18:291-301
Moreno, Juan. 1987. Nestling growth and brood reduction in the wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. Ornis Scand. 18.302-309.
Nilsson, L. Anders. 1985. Characteristics and distribution of intermediates between Platanthera bifolia and P. chlorantha (Orchidaceae) in the Nordic countries. Nord. J. Bot. 5:407-419.
Nilsson, Anders. 1988. The evolution of flowers with deep corolla tubes. Nature 334:147-149.
Næsbye-Larsen, Ole, Jan Tengö & Georg Gleffe. 1985. Vibration and sound: Additional modalities in communication in solitary bees and wasps? 5th Int. Meeting Insect Sound Vibrat., Marburg, FRG, p. 53 (abstract).
Næsbye-Larsen, Ole, Georg Gleffe & Jan Tengö. 1986. Vibration and sound communication in solitary bees and wasps. Physiol. Entomol. 11:287-296.
Onipchenko, V.G., Galina V. Semenova & Eddy van der Maarel. 1998. Population strategies in severe environments: alpine plants in the northwestern Caucasus. J. Veg. Sci. 9: 27-40.
Paxton, Robert J. & Jan Tengö. 1998. Report on an ASAB-supported Project. Parasite territoriality and the benefits of sociality. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Newsletter May: 19-20.
Paxton, Robert J., Penelope F. Kukuk & Jan Tengö. 1999. Effects of familiarity and nestmate number on social interactions in two communal bees, Andrena scotica and Panurgus calcaratus Hym., Andrenidae). Insectes Soc. 46: 109-118
Paxton, Robert J. & Jan Tengö. 1999. Testing of hypothesized benefits to communal nesting in the bee Andrena scotica. XIII Internat. Congr. IUSSI, Adelaide, p.365
Pedersen, T., S. Gregersen & TOR working group. 1999. Project TOR: Deep lithosperic variation across the Sorgenfrei-Thornquist Zone, Southern Scandinavia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 46: 13-24.
Pellmyr, Olle, Gunnar Bergström & Inga Groth. 1987. Floral fragrances in Actaea (Ranunculaceae), using differential chromatograms to discern between floral and vegetative volatiles. Phytochemistry 26:1603-1606.
Prentice, Honor. 1986. Genetic variation within and between Öland populations of Gypsophila fastigiata. Acta Univ. Upsal., Symb. Bot. Ups. 27:47-52.
Prentice, Honor. 1988. Genetic diversity in disjunct plant populations. Medd. Växtbiol. Inst., Uppsala 1988(1):58-63.
Prentice, Honor & R.J. White. 1988. Variability, population size and isolation: the structure of diversity in Öland Gypsophila fastigiata. Acta Oecol. /Oecol. Plant. 9:19-29.
Prentice, Honor C., Mikael Lönn, Helena Lager, Ejvind Rosén & Eddy van der Maarel. 1998. Changes in allozyme frequencies in populations of Festuca ovina after a ten-year fertilization experiment. Stud. Plant Ecol. 20: 85.
Rejmanek, Marcel & Ejvind Rosén. 1988. The effect of colonizing shrubs (Juniperus communis and Potentilla fruticosa) on species richness in the grasslands of Stora Alvaret, Öland. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:67-72.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1985. Succession and fluctuations in species composition in the limestone grasslands of south Öland. Münstersche Geographische Arbeiten 20:25-33.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1985. Kortfattad beskrivning av olika delområden inom Ölands Stora Alvar. Rapport Växtbiol. Inst. Uppsala, pp. 1-49.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1986. Växtekologisk naturvårdsforskning på Ölands Stora Alvar. I. Turism och naturvård. Acta Univ. Upsal., Ser. C 53:53-65
Rosén, Ejvind. 1986. Ölands Stora Alvar växer igen! Fårskötsel 4:10-11.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1986. Ölands Stora Alvar - med unik flora som hotas av förbuskning. Scoutledaren 3:12-13.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1988. Development and seedling establishment within a Juniperus communis stand on Öland, Sweden. Acta Bot. Neerl. 37:193-201.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1988. Stora Alvarets nordvästra del. In: Torslunda II. En bygd i förvandling, pp. 34-52. Torslunda Hembygdsförening, Borgholm.
Rosén, Ejvind. 1988. Shrub expansion in alvar grasslands on Öland. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:87-100
Rosén, Ejvind. & Erik Sjögren. 1988. Plant cover in alvar junipers on Öland. Distribution features correlated to shrub size and shape. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:101-112.
Rosquist, Gabrielle. 1999. Genetic variation, polyploidy and hybridization in Scandinavian Anthericum ramosum and A. liliago (Anthericaceae). Dept Syst. Bot., Lund University, 29 pp.
Rusch, Graciela. 1988. Reproductive regeneration in grazed and ungrazed communities on land. Preliminary results. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:113-120.
Semenova, Galina V., V.G. Onipchenko & Eddy van der Maarel. 1998. Plant population strategies in alpine communities. Stud. Plant Ecol. 20: 96.
Shimron, O., Abraham Hefetz & Jan Tengö. 1985. Structural and communicative functions of Dufour's gland secretion in Eucera palestinae (Hymenoptera; Anthophoridae). Insect Biochem. 15:635-638.
Sjödin, Erik. 1999. Pollination, Herbivory and Seed Dispersal in the Yellow Pheasant's Eye (Adonis vernalis L., Ranunculaceae). Master Thesis in Biology, 20 points, HT-98. System. Bot., UU. Supervisors: L. Anders Nilsson & Börge Pettersson.
Sjögren, Erik. 1988. Studies of vegetation on Öland - changes and development during a century. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:5-8.
Svensson, Bo W., Jan Tengö Lennart Ågren. 1977. Knudehvepse – en insektgruppe med potentiel anvendelse for biologisk bekempelse. Kaskelot 31:16-17.
Säterberg, Linda. 1986. Is Triturus cristatus territorial? Stud. Herpetology (ed. Z. Rocek) pp. 539-542. Prague.
Säterberg, Linda. Vattensalamanderns sexliv kartlagt. 1986. SLUringen 9:22-23.
Tengö, Jan, Inga Groth, Gunnar Bergström, W. Schröder, S. Krohn & Wittko Francke. 1985. Volatile secretions in three species of Dufourea (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) bees: Chemical composition and phylogeny. Z. Naturforsch. 40c:657-660.
Tengö, Jan & Ole Næsbye-Larsen. 1988. Vibrations- och ljudsignalering i parningsbeteendet hos solitära bin och grävsteklar. In: Biokommunikation. (Dabelsten, Espmark, Sjölander, eds.), pp. 87-95. Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences 24. Akad. Forlag, Köbenhavn.
Tengö, Jan, Lennart Ågren, Bruno Baur, Roland Isaksson, Tommy Liljefors, Kenji Mori, Wilfried König & Wittko Francke. 1990. Andrena wilkella male bees discriminate between enantiomers of cephalic secretion components. J. Chem. Ecol. 16:429-441.
Thien, Leonard B., Peter Bernhardt, George W. Gibbs, Olle Pellmyr, Gunnar Bergström, Inga Groth & Gordon McPherson. 1985. The pollination of Zygogynum (Winteraceae) by a moth, Sabatinca (Micropterigidae): an ancient association? Science 227:540-543.
Thorén, P. 1999. Triberga-Alby mosse, Hulterstad socken, Mörbylånga kommun, Öland. Arkeologisk utredning 1998. [Archeological investigation on Triberga-Alby marsh, Öland.] Kalmar läns museums arkeologiska rapporter. (Project Börje Ekstam)
Titlyanova, Argenta, Graciela Rusch & Eddy van der Maarel. 1988. Biomass structure of limestone grasslands on Öland in relation to grazing intensity. Acta Phytogecogr. Suecica 76:125-134.
White, R.J. & Honor C. Prentice. 1988. Comparison of shape description methods for biological outlines. In: Classification and Related Methods of Data Analysis. (H.H. Bock, ed.), pp. 395-402. Elsevier Science Publ.
Widén, Björn. 1986. Biosystematics in the Helianthemum oelandicum complex on Öland. Acta Univ. Ups., Symb. Bot. Ups. 27:53-60.
Widén, Björn. 1988. Partitioning of variation in pubescence of a dwarf shrub, Helianthemum ocelandicum. Acta Phytogeogr. Suecica 76:1385-156.
Widén, Björn. 1988. Populationsstudier som ett hjälpmedel för floravården. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 82:449-437.
Wylegalla, Kurt, G. Bock, J. Gossler, W. Hanka & TOR Working Group. 1999. Anisotropy across the Sorgenfrei-Thornquist Zone from shear wave splitting. Tectonophysics 314: 335-350.
Xiaobing Dai. 1998. Small-scale pattern and mobility of plant species in Alvar grassland. Comp. Summ. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Sci. Technol. 340, 30 pp. (PhD Thesis)
Zamfir, Manuela, Dai Xiao Bing & Eddy van der Maarel. 1999. Bryophytes, lichens and cryptogams in an alvar grassland: relationships at different scales and contributions to plant community pattern. Ecography 22: 40-52.
Zamfir, Manuela. 1999. From pattern to process. Studies on limestone grassland, with emphasis on the bryophyte-lichen layer and its effects on vascular plants. Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comp. Summ. Uppsala Diss. Fac. Sci. Technol. 427: 1-55.
Zobel, Martin, Eddy van der Maarel & Cecilia Dupré. 1998. Species pool: the concept, its determination and significance for community restoration. Appl. Veg. Sci. 1: 55-66.
Ågren, Lennart. 1975. Comparison between air drying and critical point drying for SEM studies of the antennae of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Zoon 3: 155-158.
Ågren, Lennart. 1975. Fine structure of the thoracic salivary gland of the male Bombus lapidarius L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Zoon 3: 19-31.
Ågren, Lennart. 1977. Flagellar sensilla of some Colletidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol. 6(3/4):137-146.
Ågren. Lennart. 1977. Elektrofysiologi- en metode til undersøgelse af insekternes sanseorganer. Kaskelot 31:24-26.
Ågren, Lennart. 1977. Mandibular gland morphology of Cerceris rybyensis (L.), (Hymenoptera: Philanthidae). Zoon 5:91-95.
Ågren, Lennart. 1978. Flagellar sensilla of two species of Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol. 7(1):73-79.
Ågren, Lennart. 1978. Malar gland. A new cephalic gland in Cerceris rybyensisn L. (Hymenoptera: Philanthidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol. 7(5/6): 479-481
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Ågren, Lennart, Björn Cederberg & Bo G. Svensson. 1979. Changes with age in ultrastructure and pheromone content of male labial glands in some bumble bee species (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Zoon 7:1-14.
Ågren, Lennart. 1979. Vad är elektrofysiologi? Ent. Tidskr. 100:141-143.
Ågren, Lennart & Bo G. Svensson. 1982. Flagellar sensilla of Sphecodes bees (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). Zool. Scr. 11:45-54.
Ågren, Lennart & Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson. 1984. Responses of Argogorytes (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) males to odor signals from Ophrys insectifera (Orchidaceae). Preliminary EAG and chemical investigation. Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. Ser. V:C 3:111-117.
Ågren, Lennart, Bertil Kullenberg & Terry Sensenbaugh. 1984. Congruences in pilosity between three species of Ophrys (Orchidaceae) and their hymenopteran pollinators. Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. Ser. V:C 3:15-25.
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Station Linné publications - Honor C. Prentice
Prentice, H.C. 1986. Genetic variation within and between Öland populations of Gypsophila fastigiata. In B. & L. Jonsell (eds.) Biosystematics in the Nordic Flora. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 27: 47-52.
Prentice, H.C. & White, R.J. 1988. Variability, population size and isolation: the structuring of diversity in Öland Gypsophila fastigiata. Acta OEcologica, OEcologia Plantarum 9: 19-29.
Bengtsson, K., Prentice, H.C., Rosén, E., Moberg, R. & Sjögren, E. 1988. The dry alvar grasslands of Öland: ecological amplitudes of plant species in relation to vegetation composition. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 76: 21-46.
Prentice, H.C. & Cramer, W. 1990. The plant community as a niche bioassay: environmental correlates of local variation in Gypsophila fastigiata. Journal of Ecology 78:313-325.
Lönn, M. & Prentice, H.C. 1990. Mosaic variation in Swedish Petrorhagia prolifera (Caryophyllaceae): the partitioning of morphometric and electrophoretic diversity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 41:353-373.
Prentice, H.C. 1992. The structure of morphometric and allozyme variation in relict populations of Gypsophila fastigiata (Caryophyllaceae) in Sweden. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47: 197-216.
Prentice, H.C. & Giles, B.E. 1993. Genetic determination of isozyme variation in the bladder campion (Silene vulgaris species aggregate). Hereditas 118:217-227.
Lönn, M., Prentice, H.C. & Tegelström, H. 1995. Genetic differentiation in Hippocrepis emerus (Leguminosae): allozyme and DNA fingerprint variation in disjunct Scandinavian populations. Molecular Ecology 4: 39-48.
Prentice, H.C., Lönn, M., Lefkovitch, L.P. & Runyeon, H. 1995. Associations between allele frequencies in Festuca ovina and habitat variation in the alvar grasslands on the Baltic island of Öland. Journal of Ecology 83: 391-402.
Lönn, M. & Prentice, H.C. 1995. The structure of allozyme and leaf shape variation in isolated, range-margin populations of the shrub Hippocrepis emerus (Leguminosae). Ecography 18: 276-285.
Lönn, M., Prentice, H.C. & Bengtsson, K. 1996. Genetic structure, allozyme-habitat associations and reproductive fitness in Gypsophila fastigiata (Caryophyllaceae). Oecologia 106: 308-316.
Runyeon, H. & Prentice, H.C. 1996. Genetic structure in the species-pair Silene vulgaris and S. uniflora (Caryophyllaceae) on the Baltic island of Öland. Ecography 19: 181-193.
Runyeon, H. & Prentice, H.C. 1997. Genetic differentiation in the Bladder Campions, Silene vulgaris and S.uniflora (Caryophyllaceae), in Sweden. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 61: 559-584.
Runyeon, H. & Prentice, H.C. 1997. Patterns of seed polymorphism and allozyme variation in the bladder campions, Silene vulgaris and S. uniflora (Caryophyllaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 1868-1886.
Rosquist, G. & Prentice, H.C. 2000. Habitat fragmentation and the structure of genetic diversity within disjunct isolates of Anthericum ramosum (Anthericaceae) in Scandinavia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 69: 193-212.
Prentice, H.C., Lönn, M., Lager, H., Rosén, E. & van der Maarel, E. 2000. Changes in allozyme frequencies in Festuca ovina populations after a nine-year nutrient/water experiment. Journal of Ecology 88: 331-347.
Jonsson, B.O. & Prentice, H.C. 2000. Allozyme diversity and geographic variation in the widespread coastal sedge, Carex arenaria. Diversity and Distributions 6: 65-80.
Lager-Runyeon, H. & Prentice, H.C. 2000. Morphometric variation in a hybrid zone between the weed, Silene vulgaris, and the endemic, Silene uniflora ssp. petraea (Caryophyllaceae), on the Baltic island of Öland. Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 1384-1397.
Rosquist, G. & Prentice, H.C. 2001. Morphological variation in Scandinavian populations of the diploid-tetraploid species pair Anthericum ramosum and Anthericum liliago (Anthericaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 850-860.
Lönn M. & Prentice, H.C. 2002. Gene diversity and demographic turnover in central and peripheral populations of the perennial herb, Gypsophila fastigiata. Oikos 99: 489-498.
Rosquist, G. & Prentice, H.C. 2002. Genetic variation in Scandinavian Anthericum liliago (Anthericaceae): allopolyploidy, hybridization and immigration history. Plant Systematics and Evolution 236: 55-72.
Prentice, H.C., Lönn, M., Rosquist, G., Ihse, M. & Kindström, M. 2006. Gene diversity in a fragmented population of Briza media: grassland continuity in a landscape context. Journal of Ecology 94: 87-97.
Prentice, H.C., Jonsson, B.O., Sykes, M.T., Ihse, M. & Kindström, M. 2007. Fragmented grasslands on the Baltic island of Öland: plant community composition and land-use history. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 88: 83-94.
Johansson, L.J., Hall, K., Prentice, H.C., Ihse, M., Reitalu, T., Sykes, M.T., & Kindström, M. 2008. Semi-natural grassland continuity, long-term land-use change and plant species richness in an agricultural landscape on Öland, Sweden. Landscape and Urban Planning 84: 200-211.
Reitalu, T., Prentice, H.C., Sykes, M.T., Lönn, M., Johansson, L.J. & Hall, K. 2008. Plant species segregation on different spatial scales in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 407-416.
Andersson, S.A., Månsby, E. & Prentice, H.C. 2008. Paternal effects on seed germination: a barrier to the genetic assimilation of an endemic plant taxon? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1408-1417.
Reitalu, T., Sykes, M.T., Johansson, L.J., Lönn, M., Hall, K., Vandewalle, M. & Prentice, H.C. 2009. Small-scale plant species richness and evenness in semi-natural grasslands respond differently to habitat fragmentation. Biological Conservation 142:899-908.
Hall, K, Johansson, L.J., Sykes, M.T., Reitalu, T., Larsson K. & Prentice, H.C. 2010. Inventorying management status and plant species richness in semi-natural grasslands using high spatial resolution imagery. Applied Vegetation Science 13:221-233.
Reitalu, T., Johansson, L.J., Sykes, M.T., Hall, K. & Prentice, H.C. 2010. History matters: village distances, grazing and grassland species diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 47:1216-1224.
Ellmer, M., Prentice, H.C. & Andersson, S.A. 2011. The structuring of quantitative genetic variation in a fragmented population of Briza media (Poaceae). Evolutionary Ecology 25:509-523.
Prentice, H.C., Andersson, S.A. & Månsby, E. 2011. Mosaic variation in allozyme and plastid DNA markers in the European ranges of Silene vulgaris and its partially sympatric relative S. uniflora (Caryophyllaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 166:127-148.
Hall, K., Reitalu, T. Sykes, M.T., Prentice, H.C. 2012. Spectral heterogeneity of QuickBird satellite data is related to fine-scale plant species spatial turnover in semi-natural grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 15:145-157.
Reitalu, T., Purschke, O., Johansson, L.J., Hall, K., Sykes, M.T. & Prentice, H.C. 2012. Responses of grassland species richness to local and landscape factors depend on spatial scale and habitat specialisation. Journal of Vegetation Science 23:41-51.
Purschke, O., Sykes, M.T., Reitalu, T., Poschlod, P. & Prentice, H.C. 2012. Linking landscape history and dispersal traits in grassland plant communities. Oecologia 168:773-783.
Dalmayne, J., Möckel, T., Prentice, H.C., Schmid, B.C. & Hall, K. 2013. Assessment of fine-scale plant species beta diversity using WorldView-2 satellite spectral dissimilarity. Ecological Informatics 18:1-9.
Purschke, O., Schmid, B.C., Sykes, M.T., Poschlod, P., Michalski, S.G., Durka, W., Kühn, I., Winter, M. & Prentice, H.C. 2013. Contrasting changes in taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity during a long-term succession: insights into assembly processes Journal of Ecology 101:857-866.
Rosengren, F., Cronberg, N., Reitalu, T. & Prentice, H.C. 2013. Genetic variation in the moss Homalothecium lutescens in relation to habitat age and structure. Botany 91:431-441.
de Bello, F., Vandewalle, M., Reitalu, T., Leps, J., Prentice, H.C., Lavorel, S. & Sykes, M.T. 2013. Evidence for scale- and disturbance-dependent trait assembly patterns in dry semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology 101:1237-1244.
Purschke, O., Sykes, M.T., Poschlod, P., Michalski, S.G., Römermann, C., Durka, W., Kühn, I. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Interactive effects of landscape history and current management on dispersal trait diversity in grassland plant communities. Journal of Ecology 102:437-446.
Reitalu, T., Helm, A., Pärtel, M., Bengtsson, K., Gerhold, P., Rosén, E., Takkis, K., Znamenskiy, S. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182:59-68.
Vandewalle, M. Purschke, O., de Bello, F., Reitalu, T., Prentice, H.C., Lavorel, S., Johansson, L.J. & Sykes, M.T. 2014. Functional responses of plant communities to management, landscape and historical factors in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 25:750-759.
Möckel, T., Dalmayne, J., Prentice, H.C., Eklundh, L., Purschke, O., Schmidtlein, S. & Hall, K. 2014. Classification of grassland successional stages using airborne hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing 6:7732-7761. doi: 10.3390/rs6087732
Rosengren, F., Cronberg, N., Reitalu, T. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Sexual reproduction in the phyllodioicous bryophyte Homalothecium lutescens in relation to habitat age, growth conditions and genetic variation. Journal of Bryology 36:200-208. DOI 10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000114
de Bello, F., Vandewalle, M., Reitalu, T., Leps, J., Prentice, H.C., Lavorel, S. & Sykes, M.T. 2013. Evidence for scale- and disturbance-dependent trait assembly patterns in dry semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology 101:1237-1244.
Purschke, O., Sykes, M.T., Poschlod, P., Michalski, S.G., Römermann, C., Durka, W., Kühn, I. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Interactive effects of landscape history and current management on dispersal trait diversity in grassland plant communities. Journal of Ecology 102:437-446.
Reitalu, T., Helm, A., Pärtel, M., Bengtsson, K., Gerhold, P., Rosén, E., Takkis, K., Znamenskiy, S. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Determinants of fine-scale plant diversity in dry calcareous grasslands within the Baltic Sea region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182:59-68.
Vandewalle, M. Purschke, O., de Bello, F., Reitalu, T., Prentice, H.C., Lavorel, S., Johansson, L.J. & Sykes, M.T. 2014. Functional responses of plant communities to management, landscape and historical factors in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 25:750-759.
Möckel, T., Dalmayne, J., Prentice, H.C., Eklundh, L., Purschke, O., Schmidtlein, S. & Hall, K. 2014. Classification of grassland successional stages using airborne hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing 6:7732-7761. doi: 10.3390/rs6087732
Rosengren, F., Cronberg, N., Reitalu, T. & Prentice, H.C. 2014. Sexual reproduction in the phyllodioicous bryophyte Homalothecium lutescens in relation to habitat age, growth conditions and genetic variation. Journal of Bryology 36:200-208. DOI 10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000114
Li, Y., Canbäck, B., Johansson, T., Tunlid, A. & Prentice, H.C. 2015. Evidence for positive selection within the PgiC1 locus in the grass Festuca ovina. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0125831. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.012583.
Riibak, K., Reitalu, T., Tamme, R., Helm, A., Gerhold, P., Znamenskiy, S., Bengtsson, K., Rosén, E., Prentice, H.C. & Pärtel, M. 20--. Dark diversity in dry calcareous grasslands is determined by dispersal ability and stress-tolerance. Ecography (in press October 2014).
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Ahlén, Ingmar & Christian Cederroth. 1999. Varfågel Lanius excubitor av rasen homeyeri gästade Öland 1998. [Great
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