Second-tier Brachycera

BRACHYCERA SUBGOUPS (guiding principle as at link "First-tier sorting")

Xylophagidae Fallén, 1810 Vedflugor (5)
Several samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Xylomyidae Verrall, 1901 Lövträdsflugor (3)
Very few samples. None yet treated.

Stratiomyidae Latreille, 1802 Soldier Flies/Vapenflugor (46)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Coenomyiidae Westwood, 1840 Stinkflugor (1)
Not yet recorded, only one very rare species in the country.

Tabanidae Latreille, 1802 Horse Flies/Bromsar (46)
Hundreds of samples. Few treated by Petter Boman and by Kevin Holston.

Rhagionidae Latreille, 1802 Snipe Flies/Snäppflugor (19)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Athericidae Nowicki, 1873 Water Snipe Flies/Bäckflugor (2)
Not yet recorded.

Bombyliidae Latreille, 1802 Bee Flies/Svävflugor (21)
Few samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Mythicomyiidae Melander, 1902 (1)
Very few samples. None yet treated.

Acroceridae Leach, 1815 Kulflugor (4)
Few samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Asilidae Latreille, 1802 Robber Flies/Rovflugor (42)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated by Kevin Holston.

Scenopinidae Fallén, 1817 Window Flies/Fönsterflugor (2)
Very few samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Therevidae Newman, 1834 Stiletto Flies/Stilettflugor (22)
Several samples. Some treated or under treatment by Kevin Holston.

Empididae Latreille, 1804 sensu lato (incl Hybotidae Meigen, 1820, Atelestidae Hennig, 1970, Microphoridae Collin, 1960, Brachystomatidae Melander, 1908) Dance Flies/Dansflugor (358)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated. Under treatment by Emma Wahlberg and Kjell Arne Johanson.

Empididae Latreille, 1804 sensu stricto Dance Flies/Dansflugor (197)
Few samples; formerly used in sorting. None yet treated. 

Hybotidae Meigen, 1820 Puckeldansflugor (153)
Few samples; formerly used in sorting. None yet treated. 

Dolichopodidae Latreille, 1809 Long-headed Flies/Styltflugor (356)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated by Marc Pollet.

Opetiidae Rondani, 1856 Svartflugor (1)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Platypezidae Fallén, 1815 Flat-footed Flies/Svampflugor (33)
Several samples. None yet treated.

Phoridae Curtis, 1833 Scuttle Flies/Puckelflugor (357)
More than a thousand samples. A tremendous amount of new species. Under treatment by Sven-Olov Ulefors and Sibylle Häggqvist. (A few also by James Bonet, Gisela Weber and Sabine Prescher) Ref: Weber et al 2006, Noack 2009, Pape et al 2013, Häggqvist 2015, Häggqvist et al 2015, Häggqvist et al 2015.

Lonchopteridae Macquart, 1835 Pointed-wing Flies/Spjutvingeflugor (9)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Syrphidae Latreille, 1802 Hover Flies/Blomflugor (394)
More than a thousand samples. A few identified by Rune Bygebjer and Kevin Holston.

Pipunculidae Walker, 1834 Big-headed Flies/Ögonflugor (86)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Pseudopomyzidae McAlpine, 1966 Reliktflugor (1)
Few samples. Some treated by Jan Willem van Zuijen.

Micropezidae Desmarest, 1860 Stilt-legged Flies/Skridflugor (8)
Several samples. None yet treated.

Tanypezidae Rondani, 1856 Långbensflugor (1)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Strongylophthalmyiidae Hendel, 1917 Bastflugor (2)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Megamerinidae Hendel, 1913 Barkflugor (1)
Very few samples. None yet treated.

Psilidae Walker, 1853 Rust Flies/Rotflugor (29)
Hundreds of samples. Few treated by Phil Withers.

Conopidae Latreille, 1802 Thick-headed Flies/Stekelflugor (26)
Several samples. Some treated by Fredrik Östrand.

Tephritidae Newman, 1834 Fruit Flies/Borrflugor (76)
Several samples. Some under treatment by John T Smit.

Lonchaeidae Rondani, 1856 Lance Flies/Stjärtflugor (54)
Hundreds of samples. Treated or under treatment by Ian McGowan. Ref: MacGowan 2014

Pallopteridae Loew, 1862 Prickflugor (16)
Several samples. Some treated by Phil Withers.

Piophilidae Macquart, 1835 Ostflugor (16)
Very few samples. Some treated by Phil Withers.

Ulidiidae Macquart, 1835 Fläckflugor (19)
Few samples. Under treatment by John T Smit.

Platystomatidae Schiner, 1862 Bredmunsflugor (2)
Not yet recorded.

Lauxaniidae Macquart, 1835 Lövflugor (54)
Hundreds of samples. Several treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman.

Chamaemyiidae Hendel, 1910 Markflugor (25)
Hundreds of samples. A few treated by Stephen Gaimari.

Sciomyzidae Fallén, 1820 Marsh Flies/Kärrflugor (83)
Hundreds of samples. Several treated by Phil Withers.

Coelopidae Hendel, 1910 Kelp Flies/Tångflugor (3)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Dryomyzidae Schiner, 1862 Buskflugor (4)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Phil Withers.

Helcomyzidae Hendel, 1924 (1)
Not yet recorded, one very rare species in the country.

Heterocheilidae McAlpine, 1991 (junior homonym!) (1)
Very few samples. None yet treated.

Phaeomyiidae Verbeke, 1950 Tusenfotingflugor (3)
Few samples. Some treated by Phil Withers.

Sepsidae Walker, 1833 Black Scavenger Flies/Svängflugor (35)
More than a thousand samples. Some treated by Rudolf Meier.

Clusiidae Handlirsch, 1884 Träflugor (12)
Several samples. Some treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman and Jan Willem van Zuijen. Ref: Nilsson 2009

Acartophthalmidae Czerny, 1928 Lövbuskflugor (3)
Several samples. Some treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman. Ref: Nilsson 2009

Odiniidae Hendel, 1920 Tickflugor (6)
Very few samples. Some treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman and Phil Withers.

Agromyzidae Fallén, 1823 Leaf-miner Flies/Minerarflugor (308)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Michael von Tschirnhaus.

Opomyzidae Fallén, 1820 Gräsflugor (17)
Several samples. Treated or under treatment by Jan Willem van Zuijen. A few species new to Sweden.

Anthomyzidae Czerny, 1903 Sumpflugor (20)
Few samples. Treated and under treatment by Jindrich Rohacek. Ref: Rohacek 2013

Aulacigasteridae Duda, 1924 Almsavflugor (2)
Several samples. Some treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman and Jan Willem van Zuijen.

Stenomicridae Papp, 1984 Dvärgflugor (2)
Very few samples. Treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman.

Periscelididae Oldenberg, 1914 Savflugor (2)
Very few samples. Treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman and Jan Willem van Zuijen.

Asteiidae Rondani, 1856 Smalvingeflugor (8)
Several samples. Some treated by Viktor Nilsson Örtman and Phil Withers.

Milichiidae Schirner, 1862 Freeloader Flies/Sprickflugor (14)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated in a student project by Meike Schuppenhauer. Ref: Schuppenhauer 2013

Carnidae Newman, 1834 Bird Flies/Kadaverflugor (11)
Several samples. Many treated by Ingemar Struwe.

Braulidae Egger, 1853 Bee Lice/Bilöss (1)
No records. Not expected as these flies are parasites inside nests of bees.

Ephydridae Zetterstedt, 1837 Shore Flies/Vattenflugor (155)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Tadeusz Zatwarnicki?

Tethinidae Hendel, 1916 Dynflugor (5)
No records yet.

Chloropidae Rondani, 1856 Grass Flies/Fritflugor (177)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Emilia Nartshuk.

Drosophilidae Rondani, 1856 Fruit Flies/Daggflugor (66)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Gerhard Bächli.

Campichoetidae Griffiths, 1972 Pölflugor (3)
Several samples. None yet treated.

Diastatidae Hendel, 1917 Sumpskogsflugor (8)
Hundreds of samples. Few treated by Phil Withers.

Camilliidae Frey, 1921 Gnagarflugor (2)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Sphaeroceridae Macquart, 1835 Small Dung Flies/Hoppflugor (150)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Chyromyidae Hendel, 1916 Gulflugor (5)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Heleomyzidae Westwood, 1840 (incl Borboropsidae Griffiths, 1972) Myllflugor (71)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Phil Withers. Ref: Withers 2010.

Chiropteromyzidae Frey, 1952 Boflugor (1)
Very few records. Treated by Phil Withers. Ref: Withers 2010.

Trixoscelididae Hendel, 1916 Hedflugor (4)
Several samples. Some treated by Phil Withers. Ref: Withers 2010.

Hippoboscidae Samouelle, 1819 Louse Flies/Lusflugor (14)
Several samples. None yet treated.

Nycteribiidae Samouelle, 1819 Bat Flies/Fladdermusflugor (3)
No records yet. Hardly expected as flies are parasites of bats.

Muscidae Latreille, 1802 House Flies/Husflugor (372)
More than a thousand samples. Some identified by Stephane Lebrune, a few by Kirstern Lica Haseyama and by Rune Bygebjer.

Fanniidae Schnabl, 1911 Takdansflugor (61)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Diana Grisales Ochoa.

Anthomyiidae Latreille, 1829 Blomsterflugor (344)
More than a thousand samples. None yet treated.

Scathophagidae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Dung Flies/Kolvflugor (96)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Calliphoridae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889 Blow Flies/Spyflugor (50)
More than a thousand samples. None yet treated.

Rhinophoridae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Gråsuggeflugor (8)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Sarcophagidae Macquart, 1834 Flesh Flies/Köttflugor (82)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Tachinidae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 Parasite Flies/Parasitflugor (372)
Hundreds of samples. Some identified by Chris Raper.

Oestridae Leach, 1815 Bot Flies/Nässtyng (4)
None yet recorded. Mostly rare parasites of large vertebrates.

Gasterophilidae Girschner, 1896 Horse Bot Flies/Inälvsstyng (4)
None yet recorded. Mostly rare parasites of large vertebrates.

Hypodermatidae Rondani, 1856 Warble Flies/Hudstyng (3)
Very few samples. Mostly rare parasites of large vertebrates.

Jon Tinnert, the brachycera family sorter of SMTP, determine one brachycera
specimens to a family level every 4th second.

Remarks For each taxon the total number of known species in Sweden are given in parentheses (including accidentals). Taxa considered non-monophyletic are in quotes. Note that the classification given here is not necessarily a state-of-the-art valid classification in all details, but represent the actual units in SMTP sorting.

These data are compiled by Mattias Forshage

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