HYMENOPTERA SUBGROUPS (Guiding principle as at link "First-tier sorting")
Xyelidae Newman, 1834 Tallblomsteklar (2)
Few samples. Few treated by Mattias Forshage.
Cephidae Newman, 1834 Halmsteklar (11)
Few samples.
Pamphilidae Cameron, 1890 Spinnarsteklar (31)
Few samples.
Siricidae Billberg, 1820 Vedsteklar (8)
Very few samples. Mostly large and heavy species that are usually very rare in Malaise traps.
Xiphydriidae Leach, 1819 Halssteklar (4)
Few samples. Some identified by Mattias Forshage and Andreas Taeger.
Argidae Konow, 1890 Borsthornsteklar (24)
Few samples.
Blasticotomidae Thomson, 1871 Ormbunksteklar (1)
No records; a very rare species.
Cimbicidae Kirby, 1837 Klubbhornsteklar (20)
No records yet. Mostly large and heavy species that are usually very rare in Malaise traps.
Diprionidae Rohwer, 1910 Barrsteklar (16)
Few samples.
Tenthredinidae Latreille, 1803 (incl Heptamelidae ) Bladsteklar (556)
Several samples. Sometimes further sorted into two halves. Under treatment by Andreas Taeger et al. Ref Savina et al 2013.
"Non-nematine Tenthredinidae" (243)
Few samples. Under treatment by Andreas Taeger et al.
Orussidae Newman, 1834 Parasitväxtsteklar (1)
No records yet, a rare species.
Aulacidae Shuckard, 1841 Vedlarvsteklar (2)
Very few samples. Identified by Mattias Forshage.
Evaniidae Latreille, 1802 Hungersteklar (2)
Several samples. Many treated in a student project by Joakim Pålsson, some identified by Mattias Forshage. Ref: Pålsson 2012.
Gasteruptiidae Ashmead, 1900 Bisteklar (9)
Several samples. One species new to the country. Some treated by Kees van Achterberg.
Heloridae Förster, 1856 Bladluslejonsteklar (4)
Several samples. Many treated in a student project by Emilia Mühlhäuser, some identified by Mattias Forshage. Ref: Mühlhäuser 2014, Mühlhäuser 2015.
Proctotrupidae Latreille, 1802 Svartsteklar (49)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.
Vanhorniidae Crawford, 1909 Spretkäksvartsteklar (1)
Very few samples. Only one very rare species in the country. Identified by Dave Karlsson.
Diapriidae Haliday, 1833 sensu lato Hyllhornsteklar (341)
Few or no samples; only as an earlier intermediary stage in sorting.
Belytinae Förster, 1856 (221)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.
Diapriinae Haliday, 1833 (115)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.
Ismaridae Thomson, 1859 (5)
Several samples. All treated or under treatment in a student project by Mareike Kiupel. Ref: Kiupel 2013.
Ceraphronidae Haliday, 1833 Pysslingsteklar (32)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Andy Deans & Istvan Miko. Ref: Miko et al 2013, Ernst et al 2013
Megaspilidae Ashmead, 1893 Trefåresteklar (59)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Andy Deans & Istvan Miko. Ref: Miko et al 2013, Ernst et al 2013
Platygastrinae Haliday, 1833 (Platygastridae sensu stricto) Gallmyggesteklar (223)
Hundreds of samples. Several new species to the country and to science found in the material. All treated or under treatment by Peter Buhl. Ref: Buhl 2008a, 2008b, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2012, 2013, 2015
Scelioninae Haliday, 1839 (Scelionidae) Äggmärkarsteklar (73)More than a thousand samples. Some under treatment by Ovidiu Popovici.
CYNIPOIDEA Latreille, 1802 (269)
Several samples, though only temporary, an intermediate stage in sorting.
Ibaliidae Thomson, 1862 Skärknivsteklar (2)
No records yet. These wasps are rather rare but more easily caught in "window trap" flight intercept traps.
Figitidae Hartig, 1840 Glattsteklar (197)Several samples, though only temporary, an intermediate stage in sorting.
Charipinae Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910 (47)Hundreds of samples. Few treated by Mattias Forshage.
Eucoilinae Thomson, 1862 (103)
Hundreds of samples. Several new species to the country and to science found in the material. Under treatment by Mattias Forshage and Guilherme Costa Baião. Ref: Baião 2012, 2013, Forshage 2009.
"Small figitid subfamilies" (47)Hundreds of samples. Under treatment by Mattias Forshage.
Cynipidae Latreille, 1802 Gallwasps/Gallsteklar (70)
Hundreds of samples. Few treated by Mattias Forshage.
CHALCIDOIDEA Latreille, 1817 sensu lato Glanssteklar (1872)
Hundreds of samples, though only an intermediate stage in sorting.
BRACONIDAE Nees von Esenbeck, 1812 Bracksteklar (1107)
Hundreds of samples; only temporary; an intermediate stage in sorting.
ICHNEUMONIDAE Latreille, 1802 Brokparasitsteklar (2972)
Several samples; only temporary; an intermediate stage in sorting.
Bethylidae Haliday, 1839 Dvärggaddsteklar (18)
Several samples. Very few treated by Mattias Forshage and Emilian Pricop.
Embolemidae Förster, 1856 Vedstritsteklar (1)
Several samples. The single species known from the country was considered rare but the winged males are not uncommon in SMTP samples. Identified by Massimo Olmi and Mattias Forshage.
Dryinidae Haliday, 1837 Stritsäcksteklar (35)
Hundreds of samples. A few species new to the country. Treated or under treatment by Massimo Olmi.
Chrysididae Latreille, 1802 Cuckoo Wasps/Guldsteklar (54)Several samples. Many under treatment by Villu Soon. (Single specimens identified by Alex Berg, Eckart Stolle, Mattias Forshage)
Formicidae Latreille, 1802 Ants/Myror (106)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.
Mutillidae Latreille, 1802 sensu lato (incl Myrmosidae Fox, 1894) Velvet Ants/ Sammetssteklar (3)
Several samples. Many treated by Johan Abenius.
Pompilidae Latreille, 1804 Spider Wasps/Vägsteklar (73)
Several samples. Many treated by Johan Abenius, and a few by Eckart Stolle.
Sapygidae Latreille, 1810 Planksteklar (3)
Few samples. Many treated by Johan Abenius.
Scoliidae Latreille, 1802 Dolksteklar (1)
Not yet recorded. Only one rare and very local species known in the country.
Tiphiidae Leach, 1815 sensu lato (incl Methochidae) Pansarsteklar (3)
Several samples. Many treated by Johan Abenius, and a few by Villu Soon.
Vespidae Latreille, 1802 (incl Eumenidae Westwood, 1840) Wasps/Getingar (52)
A few samples; usually sorted directly to subfamily level.
Vespinae Latreille, 1802 Social Wasps/Samhällsgetingar (12)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated by Urban Wahlstedt, some by Libor Dvorak and Bo G Svensson.
Polistinae LePeletier, 1836 Paper Wasps/Pappersgetingar (3)
Not yet recorded. Very rare in the country.
Eumeninae Westwood, 1840 Potter Wasps/Solitärgetingar (37)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated by Johan Abenius, some by Urban Wahlstedt.
Spheciformes (Sphecidae Latreille, 1802 sensu lato) Digger Wasps/Rovsteklar (174)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Johan Abenius. Few by Eckart Stolle and Bo G Svensson.
Apiformes (Anthophila Latreille, 1807) Bees/Bin (297)
More than a thousand samples. Few identified by Bo G Svensson.
A sorted Hymenoptera sample.
Additional notes:
"SYMPHYTA" Gerstaecker, 1867 Sawflies/Växtsteklar (675)
An earlier fraction. All samples sent to Andreas Taeger et al.
Ref: STI Nematine group 2013, Prous et al 2014.
Remarks For each taxon the total number of known species in Sweden are given in parentheses (including accidentals). Taxa considered non-monophyletic are in quotes. Note that the classification given here is not necessarily a state-of-the-art valid classification in all details, but represent the actual units in SMTP sorting.
These data are compiled by Mattias Forshage