Braconinae Nees von Esenbeck, 1812 Rundmunsteklar (93)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Sergei Belokobylskij.

Doryctinae Förster, 1862 Vedbaggsteklar (23)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Sergei Belokobylskij.

Histeromerinae Fahringer, 1930 Tjockhuvudsteklar (1)
Few samples. Some under treatment by Sergei Belokobylskij.

Hormiinae Förster, 1862 (1)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Sergei Belokobylskij.

Lysiterminae Tobias, 1969 (3)
Several samples. Some under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Pambolinae Marshall, 1885 (4)
Several samples. Some under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Rhyssalinae Förster, 1862 (incl Rhysipolinae Belokobylskij, 1984) (8)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Sergei Belokobylskij and by Barbara Sharanowski.

Rogadinae Förster, 1862 sensu stricto (47)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Kees van Achterberg.

Alysiinae Leach, 1815 Spretkäksteklar (250)
Hundreds of samples. Many treated or under treatment by Robert Kula.

Opiinae Blanchard, 1845 Minerarflugsteklar (85)
Hundreds of samples. Under treatment by Dave Karlsson.

Exothecinae Förster, 1862 (12)
Several samples. Some treated by Barbara Sharanowski.

Gnamptodontinae Fischer, 1970 Bågsteklar (2)
Several samples. Some treated by Barbara Sharanowski.

Aphidiinae Haliday, 1833 Bladlussteklar (115)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Agathidinae Haliday, 1833 Långnossteklar (25)
Several samples. Some under treatment by Michael Sharkey.

Sigalphinae Haliday, 1833 Ledsköldsteklar (2)
Few samples. Some under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Adeliinae Viereck, 1918 Dvärgmalsteklar (2)
Few samples. Have been treated in a bachelor thesis by Mårten Eriksson, who discovered a new species for the country. Ref: Eriksson 2013

Microgastrinae Förster, 1862 Kokonghopsteklar (134)
Hundreds of samples. Treated or under treatment by José Fernandez Triana. Ref: Fernandez-Triana 2014, Fernandez-Triana et al 2014

Ichneutinae Förster, 1862 (incl Proteropinae van Achterberg, 1976) Knipcellsteklar (6)
Several samples. Some under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Cardiochilinae Ashmead, 1900 Mottsteklar (1)
Not recorded. Rare wasps in most of Europe, Swedish occurrence perhaps even doubtful.

Cheloninae Förster, 1862 Skålsteklar (45)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Aurel Lozan.

Miracinae Viereck, 1918 Småmalsteklar (1)
Some samples. None yet treated.

Blacinae Förster, 1862 Skogssvärmsteklar (24)
Hundreds of samples, but often confused with Helconinae and now revised. Might be re-sorted. Under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Helconinae Förster, 1862 sensu lato (incl Brachistinae Förster, 1862 but excl Blacinae Förster, 1862) Växtbaggesteklar (57)
Hundreds of samples, but often confused with Blacinae and now revised. Might be re-sorted. Under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Cenocoeliinae Szépligeti, 1901 Lyftbaksteklar (3)
Few samples. None yet treated.

Charmontinae van Achterberg, 1979 (2)
Hundreds of samples. Some under treatment by Barbara Sharanowski.

Euphorinae Förster, 1862 sensu stricto Skalbaggssteklar (63)
Hundreds of samples. All under treatment by Julia Stigenberg. Ref: Stigenberg 2012

Meteorini Cresson, 1887 Slankmidjesteklar (52)
Hundreds of samples. All treated or under treatment by Julia Stigenberg. Ref: Stigenberg & Ronquist 2011

Neoneurini Bengtsson, 1918 Vagribbmyrsteklar (2)
Hundreds of samples. All treated or under treatment by Julia Stigenberg.

Homolobinae van Achterberg, 1979 sensu stricto Mörkerbrunsteklar (6)
Hundreds of samples. Some treated by Julia Stigenberg.

Macrocentrinae Förster, 1862 Fjärilsgömmesteklar (15)Several samples. None yet treated.

Microtypinae Szépligeti, 1908 (0)
Very few samples. Not previously known from Sweden.

Orgilinae Ashmead, 1900 Fjärilminsteklar (8)
Hundreds of samples. None yet treated.

Remarks For each taxon the total number of known species in Sweden are given in parentheses (including accidentals). Taxa considered non-monophyletic are in quotes. Note that the classification given here is not necessarily a state-of-the-art valid classification in all details, but represent the actual units in SMTP sorting.

These data are compiled by Mattias Forshage

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