Trap ID 42 – Sånfjället, Nyvallens fäbod

Trap owner: Alf-Erik Kristoffersson, Hede
Major habitat: alpine birch and spruce forest

Locality: SE, Hr, Härejdalens kommun, Sånfjället, Nyvallens fäbod
GPS coordinates: WGS 84 decimal 62.316683, 13.568555
Or, alternatively, WGS 84 g/m/s +62° 19 0.06", +13° 34 6.78"
Trap head (collector) direction: 150°
Altitude: 750 m.s.l.


Predominating vegetation (alphabetical order): Betula pubescens, Epilobium angustifolium, Geranium sylvaticum, (Lycopodiaceae), Melampyrum sylvaticum, Nardus stricta, Picea abies, Solidago virgaurea, Sorbus aucuparia, Vaccinium myrtillus


Additional notes:

The trap has been emptied 10 times during July 16, 2003 and April 20, 2005 as follow:
Coll ID      Period
644           2003.vii.16-2003.vii.25
645           2003.vii.25-2003.ix.10
646           2003.ix.10-2003.ix.30
647           2003.ix.30-2003.x.24
648           2003.x.24-2004.iv.10
649           2004.iv.10-2004.v.21
1166         2004.vii.04-2004.viii.04
1167         2004.viii.04-2005.iv.20



Leg.: The Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP)












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